• (+2) 010 95663087
  • 31, Emad El Din Kamel ST, Cairo, Egypt


Introduction to Egyptian e-Invoicing

Egypt Ministry of Finance and Egyptian Tax Authority is in the process of modernizing the solutions used for tax information management and processing. One of the important elements of this overall modernization is implementation of digital processing of the invoices. It is an activity that is part of Egypt’s vision 2030 for Digital Transformation, and improving governmental services, and within the framework of ETA Reform Programme, where e-Invoice is one of the main projects, which is about creating a central solution that enables ETA to follow all trading transactions between companies (B2B), through the instant exchange of invoice data in digital format.

E-invoicing platform is going to enable digital capturing of invoices circulating in the country starting with the business to business (B2B) invoices and later business to consumer (B2C). Ministerial Decision No.(188) for 2020 was issued to bind the tax society to the e-Invoice system. So that, e-Invoicing in Egypt has become mandatory for a list of companies, for more details watch Videos or click here.

What is the E-Invoicing system?

Electronic invoicing is a procedure that aims to convert the issuing of paper accounting documents as invoices and notes into an electronic process that allows the exchange and processing of accounting documents in a structure electronic format between buyer and seller That is Recognized By Egyptian Tax authority through an integrated electronic solution.

These accounting documents include invoices, credit notes, debit notes and etc.

Invoice information is transmitted to the tax authority, where it is validated, before being redirected to the invoice recipient.

How to implement e-Invoicing system?

Excellence GCS help your firm to implement e-Invoicing system and integrate with eta E-invoicing platform by providing an awesome e-invoice middleware solution in addition to our expert’s full consultation which enables your firm to fulfil the interactions needed by Egyptian tax authority in order to set up the integration approach, ensure necessary pre-requisites are in place. These are:
  • Registering digital profile with ETA that will provide access to web application used to manage representatives and also systems.
  • Receiving invitation to register the taxpayer administrator account used to manage digital profile of the taxpayer.
  • Inviting other representatives and registering one or more ERP systems of taxpayer that will be accessing the e-Invoicing APIs.
  • Getting API access credentials that need to be configured in ERP system and used during the login process.
  • Getting eSeal X.509 certificate that needs to be configured in ERP system that is submitting digitally signed documents.

Excellence GCS’s e-Invoicing middleware solution and How it is work

With only one click Excellence GCS simplified the process in a fully automated e-Invoicing middleware solution which meet 100% of the ETA e-invoice system requirements to handle data receiving, electronic signature and submission of invoices to ETA Portal were the process can be summarized in the following steps:
  • The middleware e-Invoicing solution automatically loads the relevant invoice data
  • The MiddleWare Map and Validate the loaded invoice data.
  • The MiddleWare Preform some processing on the loaded invoice data such as items (ID and code) and etc. in order convert them from the form used in your firm system to the proper references used by the ETA.
  • The middleware e-Invoicing solution formats them as electronic JSON files inCluding E-Signature.
  • Then, Excellence GCS middleware submit the electronic invoice documents to the tax authority portal for validation.
  • Excellence GCS middleware Cockpit provide a Continuous monitoring of the submitted invoices status and presenting the results in a summarized and actionable dashboard to allow the users in case of invalid or rejected invoice to correct the invalid data according to the ETA invalidation report and re-submit any invoices on-time.

Excellence GCS’s e-Invoice Solution Features

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